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Divers rely on glow sticks for night dives and underwater signaling, but these items often contribute to marine pollution when lost or discarded. This practice conflicts with the diving community's general commitment to ocean conservation and environmental protection.

The Lume offers divers a reliable, waterproof alternative to disposable glow sticks. Its reusable nature reduces waste, and if accidentally lost during a dive, its compostable materials won't harm the delicate underwater ecosystem. This allows for responsible exploration of the depths without compromising on safety or visibility.

A busy dive centre can use as many as 150 sticks per month—that's 3 kgs of plastic, 2 L of harmful chemicals, and 1 kg CO2.
"I used to be a happy glow stick carrier, but the past couple years I've had to say no to glow sticks because of the environmental damage they do. I feel guilty everytime I crack one."
"I want a light wand not only because it's a great way to help save the planet but also because they are extremely cool."
"Glow sticks have been a staple in the music scene forever and having an innovative and constructive alternative is huge!"
"Perfect example of what need to be doing in today's society—not necessarily getting rid of things that we love but adapting them so they are good for the planet as well as for us."
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