A single stadium event can use as many as 100,000 sticks—that's 1,700 kgs of plastic, 1,060 L of harmful chemicals, and 450 kg CO2.
Wouldn't it be great if all garbage was compostable?! Instead of feeling the weight (and paying for it) of dropping off bins to the landfill—what if after an event everything could be swept up and dropped off at a compost facility, making healthy soil and contributing to a circular economy?
That's the reality we can have by switching to the Lume!
We're sure you've noticed the instant buzzkill that happens after the lights turn on (or the sun comes up) and you witness the sheer amount of garbage. It's such a harsh slap back to reality after the happiest, most life-affirming moments. One of these moments is what inspired us to create the Lume!
"I have been an active "leave no trace" outdoors event organizer for about a decade. [Combining] science, nature, rave, light, and love for the environment—this innovative little invention hits home for me on so many levels."
"I want a light wand not only because it's a great way to help save the planet but also because they are extremely cool."
"Glow sticks have been a staple in the music scene forever and having an innovative and constructive alternative is huge!"
"Perfect example of what need to be doing in today's society—not necessarily getting rid of things that we love but adapting them so they are good for the planet as well as for us."